LABtwnty4 Pop-up Design studio is a haven of creative opportunities for young people to maximise their full potential, we take over any space to enable future creatives across communities.

We deliver extensive projects and programmes across public, private and third sectors to encourage creativity across underrepresented young Londoners to enable access into the creative sector. We work inpartnership and consult to tailor make our pop-up delivery.

LABtwnty4 have developed several programmes which can be embedded or run alongside the school curriculum, any course or community program.
We harness children using different creativity strategies, to develop skills for when working alone and in groups.

Understanding why we work in teams and learning about being a supportive and inclusive team member,
focused on how children can ensure everyone’s ideas are valued.

Through the process of designing, launching and running a business; our design studio breeds brilliant
and creative thinkers now and in the future.