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Welcome to LABtwnty4

Like everything, good things come to those who wait - well, we are live and here, we have been building on the group and connecting community, but what better way than the web to re-introduce ourselves?

If you are new here, welcome; if you value creativity in the community and want us to Pop-Up somewhere within your community, know that we take over any space, schools, community groups, corporate offices, churches, and eateries.

We are a growing collective of creatives working in the creative industry and the education sector, building towards exposing children to more creativity and opening their minds to endless opportunities to build brands, create and lead on creative careers.

Creativity is the most available form of self-expression. There is nothing more satisfying and fulfilling for children than expressing themselves openly and without judgment. The ability to be creative, to create something from personal feelings and experiences, can reflect and nurture children's emotional health, so in being creative adults, we decided to create a Design Pop-Up studio to pass on the creative juices - making space and taking up space.


n the LAB, we take our young people on a journey of creativity by creating opportunity, creating variety whilst creating experiences, fostering the creative process, and encouraging freedom and discovery as well as a strategy. Still, ultimately it is the designer's way of life tapping into our reality that creativity is a job; it is an option -a s much as the UK curriculum wants to give the arts less focus, we encourage intrigue and the sharing of skills.

Our youth and their minds are so intriguing we want to enable more creative environments and show up creatively, giving them options.

If you would like to see us Pop-Up somewhere near you or know of an organisation with funding seeking a creative community youth programme, sign post or share this site with them.

Thanks to all our existing delivery partners and sponsors.

Let's make 2023 and the years to come powerful through design.

Discover more about us.

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